Dark Elf Blood Bowl Blitzer 2

In 2015 my son was born. 2015 was also the last time I updated this blog. There has not been much painting since then, but I'm starting to feel the urge to produce something again.

Until that happens here is a blitzer I never got around to post back then.

Citadel Miniatures Dark Elf Blood Bowl Blitzer
Dark Elf Blitzer
Citadel Miniatures Dark Elf Blood Bowl Blitzer
Dark Elf Blitzer


  1. Welcome back ... even if it is an Elf !!!

  2. Hmm little one will now be around 4 so time to buy some Reaper Bones figures for him to play with, corrupt him when he is young.

  3. Really nice paint job, menacing, looking forward to seeing more.

  4. Good work! Love a bit of old BB.


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