Vietnam US Infantry Painting Guide

When I saw the new Flames of War US Rifle Platoon I immediately knew I had to get some of these. They are beautifully sculpted and I really think Evan has outdone himself here.

At the start of a new project I always do a test base/figure and only when I'm happy with the color choices I will move on to the rest of the miniatures in the unit.

This time I decided to document the recipe because as we all know I will get sidetracked by other projects before I finish the whole platoon. So when I return to these miniatures at some point in the future I won't have to be guessing all the colors I used.

Most of the time I start from a black undercoat and with these guys it was no different.

Colors used are all Vallejo.

US Flames of War miniatures for Vietnam
Flames of War Vietnam US rifle team


I start by painting the whole uniform Model Color Russian Uniform WWII (924). I then paint all the recesses with Game Color Cayman Green (067). I mix the highlight color 50/50 between Russian Uniform and Model Color Deck Tan (986). You could probably get away with using Model Color Green Grey (886) for the highlights, but I prefer the look of the mixed color.

I highlight the boots with Model Color USA Olive Drab (889). I know the boots were black, but in the field they don't stay black for long.

US Flames of War miniatures for Vietnam
Flames of War Vietnam US rifle team

Helmet Cover

The base color for the helmet covers is Game Color Camouflage Green (31). I paint two or three branches on each cover with Model Color Flat Earth (983). The leaves are painted in Model Color Russian Uniform WWII (924) and Game Color Cayman Green (067) respectively. Finally I add a few spots of Model Color Beige Brown (875).

US Flames of War miniatures for Vietnam
Flames of War Vietnam US rifle team


I don't believe there's one right way to do the webbing, and for me the most important thing is that the belts and pouches contrast with the uniform.

The web gear itself is painted Model Color Brown Violet (887) followed by a highlight of Panzer Aces Canvas (314).

The pouches are painted Model Color Khaki (988) followed by a highlight of Panzer Aces Highlight US Tkcr. (322)

For bit of variety I paint stuff like bandoleers with a base of Model Color Green Brown (879) and a highlight of Game Color Khaki (061).

US Flames of War miniatures for Vietnam
Flames of War Vietnam US rifle team


I paint equipment like LAWs and grenades Model Color Brown violet (887) followed by highlights of Panzer Aces Canvas (314) and finally Model Color Green Brown (879).

The M16 rifles are highlighted with Model Color German Grey (995) and Model Color Dark Bluegrey (867).

Skin Tones

The four grunts in the pictures all have different skin colors. Three of them are documented here.

Caucasian (Marlboro Man)

Base: Model Color Flat Earth (983)
1st highlight: Game Color Dwarf Skin (041)
2nd highlight: Model Color Basic Skintone (815)

Latino (LAW)

Base: Model Color Flat Earth (983)
1st highlight: Model Color Medium Fleshtone (860)
2nd highlight: Model Color Flat Flesh (955)

African American (M79)

Base: Model Color Leather Brown (871)
1st highlight: 50/50 mix of Leather Brown and Model Color US Field Drab (873)
2nd highlight: US Field Drab

Hope this is helpful.


  1. very nice painting, the base is good too. It all works well together.

  2. Love the work. I am inspired to do better on my PAVN now.

  3. What colors did you use for skin tone?

    1. Hi Steven, I've updated the guide with the colors for skin tones. The Latino guy is the one carrying the LAW. The colors listed for african americans are the ones I used for the kneeling guy with the M79. I can't remember the colors for the last guy.


  4. Very nice! These must be the best painted FOW Nam Grunts I've seen! BF would sell more of their Nam-Range if they'd use these to advertise the range!
    Thanks for the paiting guide, I will stick to your colors, when I come around to paint mine!

  5. Great Job!
    Superb Helmets and details.


  6. Truly impressive. Wish I had the ability and time to do that stellar of a job!

  7. Hey i relay want to start flames of war Vietnam can you pls paint some PAVN infantry like this? i love the look

    1. Thanks. I don't think I would ever paint PAVN infantry to this standard as you need so many of them. If I were to do a guide I would probably show how to speed paint them.

    2. That's fine i just want to know how to paint them

  8. I am new to painting and figures. I purchased my entire air cav sqdn, and NVA bn we faced in 25th ID. Any tips as my eyes and neck are gonna take a beating are appreciated. I want to do a good job and leave this for my kids. I am also trying to paint tiger-strip as ever on in my path-finder section wore them. Using AUS for the soft caps inter mixed. Any ideas on painting for dummies and assembly painting (300 us 2K NVA) are appreciated!

  9. I also have 16 helicopters, and 40 tanks; Do I prime everything in black first of can I get (e.g., Russian Uniform WW II) spray paint to start. What brand. Again I am new at this and appreciate the help!

    1. Have you tried these tutorials?

  10. The basing is wonderful also! Would you care to share your technique :)

  11. Great work how did you paint the bases

    1. Regarding the bases I can't remember the exact formula, but to obtain a realistic result it's important to use enough different static grass and flock to give a varied look. If you look at nature it's full of variation. For Vietnam I would recommend using a reddish brown for the dirt.

  12. Thank you for this! my apologies if I double post. Having trouble getting my comment to go through.

    Can you elaborate on your black lining technique?

    1. There's no real trick here. Just be careful not to paint over the black undercoat in the recesses when you block in the main colors.


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