Undead Reinforcements

Danish Open 2014 is getting closer and I'm determined to play my undead team at the tournament so I have been painting a lot lately.

Citadel Miniatures Undead Blood Bowl Halfling Zombie
Undead Halfling Zombie

The hafling zombie is a slightly modified Blood Bowl halfling. I know that technically you can't raise halflings, but the race makes no difference to the game since all zombies have the same stats.

Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Elf Zombie
Undead Elf Zombie

The unlucky elf is a converted Blood Bowl elf lineman with his legs removed. I used the legs from an old ghoul/zombie instead.

Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Human Zombie
Undead Zombie

The human zombie wasn't modified in any way.

Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Ghoul
Undead Ghoul

The ghouls are both from the range of AD&D miniatures that Citadel produced for a short while. They have both received shoulder pads sculpted in Green Stuff.

Citadel Miniatures undead Blood Bowl Ghoul
Undead Ghoul

Right now I'm working on a skaven zombie and another ghoul and hopefully they will all be ready in time for the tournament. Maybe I'll see you there?


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