
Showing posts from January, 2014

Blood Bowl Orcs

Citadel Miniatures 2 nd edition Blood Bowl orcs painted as Pittsburgh Steelers . I took the Blitzburgh Squealers to the 2007 World Cup in Nottingham. Orc Blitzer Orc Blitzer Orc Blitzer Orc Blitzer Orc Blocker Orc Blocker Orc Blocker Orc Blocker Orc Thrower Orc Lineman Orc Lineman Goblin Goblin Troll Designed by Kev Adams. Painted by Horekim

Blood Bowl Chaos Dwarfs

Citadel Miniatures 2 nd edition Blood Bowl chaos dwarfs . The boar centaurs and minotaur are conversions. The boar bodies used are old elven beastmaster boars . The big guy is a minotaur lord called Ox-Roar . The hobgoblin is simply a 1 st edition orc player. Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaur Chaos Dwarf Bull Centaur Chaos Dwarf Blocker Chaos Dwarf Blocker Hobgoblin Minotaur

Blood Bowl Wood Elves

Citadel Miniatures 2 nd edition Blood Bowl elves painted as Galadrieth Gladiators . These elves are among my favourite miniatures ever produced by Games Workshop . They were sculpted by the legendary Jes Goodwin and have a distinct eighties feel to them. Wood Elf Wardancer The wardancer (or blitzer as they were known in 2 nd  edition) with the hockey mask is my absolute favourite Blood Bowl miniature ever produced. Unlike most of his teammates he looks tough and like he really means business. If memory serves me correctly in the old ruleset elf blitzers recovered faster from being knocked out than the rest of the elf players. Wood Elf Wardancer When I painted this team I took great care to make each miniature look slightly different from each other so the team as a whole would be more visually interesting. Wood Elf Thrower Wood Elf Catcher Wood Elf Catcher Wood Elf Lineman Wood Elf Lineman Wood Elf Lineman Wood Elf Lineman Wood Elf...

Blood Bowl Skaven

Citadel Miniatures 2 nd edition Blood Bowl skaven painted as Miami Dolphins . Skaven Blitzer Skaven Blitzer Skaven Thrower Skaven Gutter Runner Skaven Gutter Runner with two heads Skaven Gutter Runner with horns Skaven Gutter Runner Skaven Lineman Skaven Lineman Skaven Lineman Skaven Lineman Skaven Kicker Skaven Rat Ogre with claw Designed by Jes Goodwin. Painted by Horekim

Necromunda Spyrer Gang

Visiting my parents' house during christmas gave me the opportunity of digging through some old miniatures. One of the finds were these Necromunda Spyre hunters that I painted during the summer of 1996 when I was in high school and still living at home. Orrus Spyre Hunter Blood Bowl remains my alltime favourite Games Workshop game, but we had a great time playing Necromunda as well. We played it at home, in the local store and at tournaments and the games were mostly quick and enjoyable. Jakara Spyre Hunter The whole background history of gangs fighting for territory in an abandoned industrial environment below a metropolis was unbelievably cool I used to think. The spyrers shown here were included in a supplement later on. They represented rich kids from the city descending to the Underhive to prey on the regular gangs as some kind of ritual. Their addition to the game made the already excellent fluff even more colourful. Malcadon Spyre Hunter I think most pe...